Optimize Portfolios. Elevate Your Practice.
At New Frontier, we specialize in optimizing portfolios to create market-adaptive, risk-managed portfolios using best-in-class ETFs—regardless of fund family. Our approach is powered by proprietary optimization and rebalancing technologies, ensuring your clients' investments are continually aligned with their goals.
Why Advisors Choose New Frontier
Proven Expertise | 20+ years optimizing ETF portfolios
Cutting-Edge Technology | Proprietary optimization process backed by 4 patents
Fiduciary Approach | Independent, client-focused strategies, no in-house funds
Practice Elevation | Tailored strategies to enhance your service offering
Our investment strategies cover a diverse range of client goals and preferences.
New Frontier Global Core ETF Portfolios
Provide optimized exposure to global asset classes.
New Frontier Tax-Sensitive ETF Portfolios
Optimized to help investors grow wealth after taxes.
New Frontier Multi-Asset Income ETF Portfolios
Globally diversified and seek to provide a reliable source of income.
New Frontier U.S. Core ETF Portfolios
Seek to capture U.S. economic growth in a risk-managed portfolio.
The New Frontier Advantage
Our innovative technology, rooted in 50 years of ongoing research, harnesses the uncertainty that confounds traditional methods. The result? Market-adaptive, risk-managed portfolios that provide a greater likelihood of achieving investor goals.
The New Frontier Advantage for Advisors and Their Practice
Innovative Technology
Harness 50 years of ongoing research and improvements to navigate the complexities of investment management.
Risk Management
Provide strategies that offer smoother, more reliable outcomes for your clients.
Time Efficiency
Focus on client relationships while we handle portfolio optimization.
Competitive Edge
Offer institutional-quality investment solutions to differentiate your practice.
Ready to Optimize Your Practice?
Join the growing number of advisors leveraging New Frontier's expertise to elevate their practice and deliver client-focused outcomes.